Usually this flight is operated by a 777 or an A330. But today Asiana brought a 747. And it is the Combi. Looks like it has been stored for a while and needs some fresh air in the cabin (note that even an emergency cockpit door is open!) These days even the Dash 400 looks really classic.

I'm glad to be on the upper deck. But the interior makes me feel like I'm back in the 90s. This ship might be a back-up.

OZ's version of
bibimbap with Korean soup.
This is KE's one.

And Asiana's original sesame oil. ASIANA B747-400M ICN-NRT The 496th flight in my lifetime.
そしてアシアナオリジナルのセサミオイル。アシアナ B747-400M ICN-NRT。生涯496フライト目。