Jiyu Ongaku Gakuen (Academy), a vocational school of music founded by my grandfather in 1946, ended its 66-year-long history this March. Now some of their old photos are archived with a chronology on a
dedicated Facebook page where you can retrace their footsteps. This is a school building in Nihonbashi Kakigaracho built in 1965. I still have a dim memory of the Toden streetcars running on the street in front of the school.

The school was originally started as a night school for working people right after WWII. Grandpa must have thought people in the ravaged city needed music. My grandmother (piano), father
(vocal), and uncle (vocal) have also taught at this school.そもそもこの学校は、第二次大戦終戦直後に勤労者のための夜学としてスタートした。荒廃した街の人々には音楽が必要だと祖父は考えたのだろう。祖母(ピアノ)も、父(声楽)も、叔父(声楽)も、この学校で教えていた。

A campus in Ichigaya built in 1953. I'm still living in Ichigaya.

Shingo Iwai: my grandfather, the founder of the school, and a member (tenor) of Fujiwara Opera Company—Japan's first and oldest professional opera company. Glad to see the pieces of my family's story and memories of good old Tokyo live on thanks to the world's biggest SNS.