It's been almost a year since the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami hit. And "Ishinomaki Voice vol.1 Future" arrived. This quality free paper is edited by Akio, my ex-colleague at WKT and currently a committee member of the
Ishinomaki 2.0 project, and filled with voices of people living in Ishinomaki who are trying to rebuild their city to make it a better place than the one before the tsunami. Ishinomaki 2.0, its partner project
Ishinomaki Laboratory, and the business cafe
IRORI Ishinomaki which also serves as a base for these 2 projects, are now becoming a magnet for people around the world as the place to generate new ideas for the future of the city and the region. The slogan of Ishinomaki 2.0 is "Ishinomaki creates new ideas for Japan." I'm sure these new ideas can be delivered only by these visionary private sectors who can think and act quickly, proactively, and creatively, not by present authorities and governments who do nothing but maintaining the status quo. These ideas they deliver could not only rebuild the devastated areas, but also give Japan clues on its future.
東日本大震災/津波からもうすぐ1年。「石巻VOICE Vol.1 FUTURE」が届いた。この上質なフリーペーパーは、僕のWKT時代の元同僚で、現在は