I'm not at 200 Park Avenue. I'm at Sukiyabashi. When I was walking in Ginza, I found that the Pam Am exhibition was held at the Sony Building.

An oversized head with 4 engines. Jet travel can't be more beautiful.

Some pieces of history—the championship trophy of the grand sumo tournament presented by Pan Am and the dressed sumo wrestler's belt for Takamiyama, who was born in Hawaii and sponsored by Pan Am.
I still remember Mr. David Jones, Pan Am's PR Manager in the Far East at that time, was always appearing at the sumo awards ceremony. He never failed to scream the Japanese word "Hyo-sho-jo (commendation certificate)" before awarding a commendation certificate to the champion, and then he handed over this huge trophy. It was a familiar sight for the Japanese until 1991, when Pan Am went bankrupt. I have never known any other foreign airline that could be closer to Japanese society than Pan Am.

The Aérospatiale-BAC Concorde for Pan Am was featured in the
Clipper News in 1964. The future was there 4 years before I was born. Pan Am was originally planning to put them in service in 1969.